A-C) C57BL/6J, Mif-/- were allowed free access to ethanol-containing (n=8) or pair-fed (n=5) control diets per Gao-Binge feeding protocol. D-F) C57BL/6J mice were acutely treated with MIF098 (n=6) prior to ethanol binge. Mice were euthanized 6h and 9h after Gao-Binge. A,D) Plasma ALT was assayed enzymatically and B,E) expression of neutrophil-associated CXCL1, CXCR2 and Ly6G mRNA was determined by qRT-PCR. C,F) NIMPR14 staining was performed to determine hepatic neutrophilia at the indicated times. Representative images were acquired with a 20X objective. Values are means ± SEM. Values with different superscripts are significantly different, p<0.05, # p<0.05