Cortisol saliva measurements at home and during visits to the laboratory. Panel A: Cortisol stress responses in ELA exposure groups (0, 1, ≥ 2) who were Met vs. Val/Val carriers of COMT rs4680 on a stress day referenced to a nonstress control day. Panel B: Cortisol values on a nonstress control day (dashed lines) and on a stress day (solid lines) for Met and Val/Val allele groups. Cortisol measurement time points are: AM, immediately upon awakening; Pre, upon arrival at the lab; BL1, BL2, 30 min and 15 min prior to the onset of the stress procedure or comparable time on the resting control day; STRS1, at the start of the stress protocol, STRS2, following speech presentations, and STRS3, the end of the stress protocol, or the comparable time points on the resting control day; Rec, 45 min after the end of the stress protocol or comparable time point on the resting control day; PM, at bedtime. Panel C: Cortisol stress responses for ELA groups x separate allele groups. Panel D: Data from Panel C rearranged to show the effect of Val158Met genotypes within ELA groups. Figure labels. 0, 1, ≥ 2 indicates the number of childhood adversities experienced in childhood and adolescence. Met and Val refer to single nucleotide polymorphisms of COMT.