Fig. 4 – Liver expression of selected genes in Alb-D2KO and Cre mice treated with ETOH.
(A) relative mRNA levels of selected transcriptional factors; (B) relative mRNA levels of selected genes involved in lipid metabolism; (B) relative mRNA levels of selected genes involved in lipoprotein structure and lipid mobilization; (C) relative mRNA levels of genes involved in ETOH metabolism; all results are relative to 18S or CycloB mRNA levels and normalized for the respective controls; values are shown in a box and whiskers plot indicating median and quartiles; n=4–5/group; gene abbreviations are as in the Table S2; *p< 0.05 and **p< 0.01 vs Cre-ETOH; # p≤0.05 and ## p≤0.01 vs Cre-Control (Student’s t-test).