Behavioural and eye-tracking results from the DANVA2. Boxplots showing all data points with the median (black line) in healthy control, surgery and radiation groups for: A, The total number of FER errors ([Healthy control: Mean = 7.83, SD = 3.78]; [Surgery: Mean = 10.71, SD = 2.82]; [Radiation: Mean = 10.63, SD = 4.78]). B, The total number of fixations made on the photograph ([Healthy control: Mean = 5.44, SD = 0.83]; [Surgery: Mean = 5.49, SD = 0.88]; [Radiation: Mean = 4.75, SD = 0.95]). C, The total time spent looking at the photographs (i.e., total dwell time) ([Healthy control: Mean = 1564.59, SD = 132.82]; [Surgery: Mean = 1501.02, SD = 199.15]; [Radiation: Mean = 1471.23, SD = 160.24]). * p < .05.