Fig 5.
NTN1 knockdown suppressed GC cells neural invasion was depend on neogenin. A. Representative images of neogenin IHC staining on sections from GC tissues and adjacent normal tissues. Original magnification, 200×; Scale bar=100μm. B. Quantification of the percentage of cells demonstrating the presence of immunoreactivity for neogenin (positive staining). C. The expression levels of NTN1 receptors in MGC803 and MKN28 cells were detected by qRT-PCR. D. Neogenin expression level was detected in GC cells by western blotting after transfecting with siNeogenin. E. Representative images of the migration of MGC803 cells towards nerves treated with/without neogenin inhibition. Blue arrowheads indicate the cancer cells that migrated towards the neurites. Original magnification, 40×; Scale bar =100μm. F. The travelling velocity of MGC803 cells in different groups (shCTL and shCTL+siNeo) was calculated. G. The accumulated distance travelled by the cancer cells in different groups was calculated. H. The average area covered by the neurites growing out from the DRG in different groups was quantified. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.