Algorithm 1 Pseudo code of the dynsTGA metaheuristics |
Initialization. Generate random initial population, set the iteration counter t to 1, the value of maximum iteration number (), and the initial values of and control parameters |
Evaluate all solutions in the population and sort them according to their fitness value |
for all solutions in
Conduct local search by utilizing Equation (6) |
Apply greedy selection mechanism to choose between the old and the new solution |
end for
for all solutions in
Move solutions towards the closest best solutions in by using Equations (7)–(9) |
Apply greedy selection mechanism to choose between the old and the new solution |
end for
Remove worst solutions from the population and replace them with randomly solutions from the search domain |
Generate randomly distributed solutions and modify each solution in respect to the best solutions in by using the mask operator |
Evaluate all solutions in the population and sort them according to their fitness value |
Choose N best solutions as initial population for the next iteration |
Recalculate the values of and along with and control parameters |
end while
return The best solution from the population |