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. 2019 May 28;19(11):2438. doi: 10.3390/s19112438

Table 2.

Description of technical features of insoles for posture and activity recognition.

Sensing Elements Sampling Frequency (Hz) Data Transmission Methods Populations Age (Years) Algorithms Comparison Methods Settings Test Durations
Hegde et al. [26] 3 FSRs 402, ACC. 50 Bluetooth 15 adults M: 26.6 (3.4) F: 23.3 (5) MLD ActivPAL device Laboratory and community 1 h (laboratory),
8 AM–9 PM
Fulk et al. [31] 5 FSRs, ACC. 400 Bluetooth 12 stroke survivors 62.1 (8.2) ANN Video record Laboratory 2 min/activity
Achkar et al. [32] 8 FSRs, IMU*, barometer 200 Wire connection 10 older adults 65–75 DT ACC., gyroscope Community 1 h/participant
Achkar et al. [33] 8 FSRs, IMU*, barometer 200 Wire connection 10 older adults 69.9 (3.1) DT 2D ACC., gyroscope Community 4 h (total)
Anlauff et al. [38] 4 FSRs 200 Bluetooth 8 adults 25.2 (NA) NA Visual observation NA 45 min (total)
Chen et al. [39] 4 FlexiForce, IMUs* 100 Wireless mode 7 adults 24.1 (0.5) LDA Visual observation NA 15 min/experiment
Fulk et al. [40] 5 FSRs, Acc. 25 Wireless link 8 stroke survivors 60.1 (9.9) SVM Visual observation Laboratory 1 min/activity
Zhang et al. [41] 32 miniature pressure sensors 32 Wire connection 40 adults 27.3 (13.2) ANN Visual observation Outside, laboratory 50 m
Zhang et al. [42] 5 FSRs, ACC. 25 Bluetooth 12 stroke survivors 62.1 (8.2) DT Visual observation Laboratory 2 min/activity
Edgar et al. [43] 3 pressure sensors, ACC. 100 Bluetooth 1 adult 22 ANN Visual observation Indoor and outdoor 3 min/activity
Hegde et al. [44] 2 or 3 FSRs 402 NA Bluetooth 3 adults 24 (4.5) MLD Visual observation Laboratory 20 min/activity
Lin et al. [45] 48 pressure sensors, IMU 100 Bluetooth 8 people NA KNN Visual observation Indoor NA
Lin et al. [46] 48 pressure sensors, IMU 100 Bluetooth 8 people NA NA Visual observation Indoor 10 trials/participant
Peng et al. [47] 7 FSR402 25 Wireless module 1 adult 24 SVM Visual observation Indoor NA
Sazonov et al. [48] 5 FSRs, ACC. 400 Bluetooth 19 adults 28.1 (6.9) SVM, MLP, MLD Video Indoor and free-living 52.5 h (total)
Sazonov et al. [49] 5 FSRs, ACC. 25 Wireless module 9 adults 23.7 (4.3) SVM Visual observation Laboratory 11 h 36 min (total)
Shang et al. [50] 2 pressure sensors, ACC. NA Wireless module 3 adults NA Threshold method Visual observation Laboratory NA
Sugimoto et al. [51] 7 pressure sensors 20 USB port 2 adults NA LDA Visual observation NA 2 min
Tang et al. [52] 5 FSRs, ACC. 25 Wireless module 9 adults 23.6 (4.3) SVM with rejection Visual observation NA NA
Tang et al. [53] 5 FSRs, ACC. 400 Wireless module 9 adults 23.3 (4.3) SVM, MLP Visual observation Indoor 11.5 h (total)
Zhang et al. [54] 5 FSRs, ACC. 25 Wireless module 9 adults 27.3 (4.3) DT Visual observation NA 11.36 h (total)
Zhang et al. [55] 4 pressure sensors 35 Bluetooth 10 adults 24–56 NA Visual observation Community NA
Chen et al. [56] 4 pressure sensors 250 Wireless module 5 adults, 1 amputee person 23.2 (1.3); 45 DT, LDA Visual observation NA 8 h
Cates et al. [57] 4 FSRs, ACC. 20 Bluetooth 20 adults 28 (5) SVM Visual observation NA 2 min/activity
Hegde et al. [58] 3 pressure sensors, ACC. 50 Bluetooth 4 adults 28 (0.5) MLD Visual observation Laboratory 10 min/activity
Cuong Pham et al. [59] ACC. 50 Wireless module 10 adults 22 (1.7) CNN Visual observation NA 10–30 min/activity
Nguyen et al. [60] 8 pressure sensors, ACC. 50 Bluetooth 3 adults 24–29 DT, KNN, SVM PPAC and FF + GPS Indoor and outdoor 15 and 20 m,
17-step (stairs)

ACC.: accelerometer; SVM: Support vector machine; MLP: Multi-layer perceptron; ANN: artificial neural network; LDA: Linear discriminant analysis; KNN: k-nearest-neighbors; MLD: Multinomial Logistic Discrimination; CNN: convolution neural networks; DT: decision tree; NA: not applicable; * Physilog module including an IMU* (accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer) and a barometer sensor: Physilog® 10D Silver, GaitUP CH; FF+GPS: foot force sensor and GPS; PPAC: plantar-pressure based ambulatory classification; min: minute; h: hour; FSR: force sensitive resistor.

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