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. 2019 Jun 4;16(11):1989. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16111989

Table 5.

Residential density: differences in girls.

Child Factors Total Sample Metropolitan Cities Rural Areas Countryside
Overall p-Value n Mean (SD) Adj. Age n Mean (SD) Adj. Age n Mean (SD) Adj. Age n Mean (SD) Adj. Age
LM skills (max.46p.) 0.076 94 27.46
28.67 1,4 211 29.24
28.62 2 98 28.74
28.30 3,4 69 29.94
30.82 1,2,3
OC skills (max. 54p.) 0.054 94 19.70
21.05 1,4 211 22.73
22.05 2 98 22.86
22.36 3,4 69 24.64
25.60 1,2,3
TGMD-3 total (max. 100p.) 0.036 94 47.16
49.72 1,4 211 51.98
50.67 2 98 51.60
50.66 3,4 69 54.58
56.42 1,2,3
Time spent outdoors (scale 1–7) 0.032 93 4.77
4.80 1 211 5.03
5.02 96 4.81
4.80 2 69 5.30
5.32 1,2
Participation in organised sports (mins/week) 0.118 88 61.08
65.78 1,2 204 44.69
42.67 1 89 43.16
41.22 2,3 67 49.64
52.18 3

Motor competence was measured using the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD)-3. Time spent outdoors and participation in organised sports were asked via parental questionnaire. The time spent outdoors was a sum from the time spent outdoors on weekdays and weekends. The scale for the weekdays ranged from 0 to 3 (0 = not at all, 1 = under 30 min/d, 2 = approximately 30–60 min/d and 3 = over 60 min/d), and the scale for the weekends ranged from 0 to 4 (0 = not at all, 1 = under 30 min/d, 2 = approximately 30–60 min/d, 3 = 1–2 h/d and 4 = over 2 h/d). Values are reported as mean and standard deviation (SD) scores. LM skills= locomotor skills, OC skills= object control skills. * Statistically significant difference between residential density areas (adjusted for age, random effect of childcare centre) at the level of p < 0.05. Statistically significant differences in bold. In LM skills difference between countryside and metropolitan area: 1 p = 0.05 *, countryside and cities: 2 p = 0.025 *, countryside and rural areas: 3 p = 0.015 * and metropolitan area and rural areas: 4 p = 0.025 *. In OC skills difference between countryside and metropolitan area: 1 p = 0.013 *, countryside and cities: 2 p = 0.015 *, countryside and rural areas: 3 p = 0.002 **, and rural areas and metropolitan area: 4 p = 0.015 *. In TGMD-3 total skills difference between countryside and metropolitan area: 1 p = 0.011 *, countryside and cities: 2 p = 0.010 **, countryside and rural areas: 3 p = 0.024 * and rural areas and metropolitan area: 4 p = 0.010 **. Time spent outdoors, difference between countryside and metropolitan: 1 p = 0.011 *, and countryside and rural areas: 2 p = 0.010 **. In participation in organised sports difference between metropolitan and cities: 1 p = 0.030 *, metropolitan area and rural areas: 2 p = 0.032 * and countryside and rural areas: 3 p = 0.030 *.