Figure 1.
Tibial spine measurements of the medial compartment. Segmented data of medial compartment shown as a gray mesh. Anterior and posterior prominences (squares) of each para-sagittal slice determined to make up the circumferential rim. (A) Tibial spine volume (black mesh with dark gray surface) is defined by the data located between the circumferential rim (squares) and the peak of the tibial spine (triangle) and superior to the plane fit to the circumferential rim. Spine volume center of gravity (diamond) was calculated and its anteroposterior dimension was found. The length of the spine was defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum anteroposterior dimension of tibial spine. (B) Width of spine calculated as the difference between the mediolateral dimension of the peak of the spine (triangle) and the compartment minimum (circle). Height of spine calculated as the difference between the superiorinferior dimension of the spine peak (triangle) and compartment minimum (circle).