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. 2019 Jul 1;179(9):1262–1271. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.2248

Table. Characteristics of Included Studies.

Source Disease Total, No. Participants, % Duration, mo Weight Loss Intervention Comparison Outcomes Measured
Male Female
Dong et al,32 2016 China NAFLD 280 100 0 24 Diet and exercise Usual care ALT, AST, GGT, NFS, FLI, steatosis-US
Sun et al,34 2012 China NAFLD 1087 64 36 12 Diet and exercise Minimal intervention ALT, AST, GGT
Wong et al,47 2013 Hong Kong NAFLD 154 46 54 12 Diet and exercise Minimal intervention ALT, AST, FLI, liver stiffness, steatosis-MRI
Cheng et al,31 2017 China NAFLD 86 23 77 9 Arm 1: Diet Usual care ALT, AST, GGT, steatosis-MRI
Arm 2: Exercisea
Arm 3: Diet and exercise
Abenavoli et al,36 2017 Italy NAFLD 30 60 40 6 Arm 1: Diet and exercise Usual care ALT, AST, GGT, FLI, liver stiffness, steatosis-US
Arm 2: Diet, exercise, and antioxidant supplementa
Axley et al,39 2018 United States NAFLD 30 37 63 6 Diet and exercise Minimal intervention ALT, AST
Eckard et al,40 2013 United States NAFLD 3241 59 6 Arm 1: Low-fat diet and exercise Minimal intervention ALT, AST, NAS, fibrosis
Arm 2: Moderate-fat diet and exercise
Promrat et al,45 2010 United States NASH 31 71 29 6 Diet and exercise Minimal intervention ALT, AST, NAS, steatosis-H, inflammation, ballooning, fibrosis, definite NASH
Katsagoni et al,42 2018 Greece NAFLD 63 68 32 6 Arm 1: Diet Minimal intervention ALT, GGT, NFS, liver stiffness
Arm 2: Diet and exercise
Abd El-Kader et al,35 2016 Saudi Arabia NASH 100 70 30 3 Diet and exercise Usual care ALT, AST
Al-Jiffri et al,37 2013 Saudi Arabia NAFLD 100 100 0 3 Diet and exercise Usual care ALT, AST, ALP, GGT
Asghari et al,29 2018 Iran NAFLD 60 68 32 3 Arm 1: Diet Placebo ALT, AST, steatosis-US,
Arm 2: Resveratrola
St George et al,46 2009 Australia NAFLDb 152 63 37 3 Arm 1: Low-intensity diet and exercise Minimal intervention ALT, AST, GGT
Arm 2: Moderate-intensity diet and exercise
Lim et al,27 2018 Singapore NAFLD 86 NR NR 3 Diet and exercise and mobile app Diet and exercise ALT, AST
Selezneva et al,33 2014 Russia NAFLD 174 NR NR 1 Diet Isocaloric diet ALT, AST
Armstrong et al,38 2016 United Kingdom NASH 52 59 41 12 Liraglutide Placebo ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, ELF, NAS, steatosis-H, inflammation, ballooning, fibrosis, definite NASH
Khoo et al,43 2017 Singapore NAFLD 30 92 8 6 Liraglutide Diet and exercise ALT, AST, liver stiffness
Harrison et al,41 2009 United States NASH 41 32 68 9 Orlistat and diet Diet ALT, AST, ALP, NAS, steatosis-H, inflammation, ballooning
Ye et al,28 2017 NR NASH 30 NR NR 6 Orlistat Placebo Steatosis-MRI
Zelber-Sagi et al,48 2006 Israel NAFLD 52 43 57 6 Orlistat, diet, and exercise Placebo, diet, and exercise ALT, AST, GGT, steatosis-US, steatosis-H, fibrosis
Bahmanadabi et al,30 2011 Iran NAFLD 40 20 80 3 Sibutramine hydrochloride and diet Diet ALT, AST, steatosis-US
Lee et al,44 2012 Singapore NASH 18 61 39 6 Gastric balloon surgical procedure, diet, and exercise Sham procedure, diet, and exercise ALT, NAS, steatosis-H, inflammation, ballooning, fibrosis

Abbreviations: ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate transaminase; ELF, Enhanced Liver Fibrosis; FLI, Fatty Liver Index; GGT, γ-glutamyltransferase; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; NAS, NAFLD activity score; NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; NFS, NAFLD fibrosis score; NR, not reported; steatosis-H, histologically assessed steatosis; steatosis-MRI, magnetic resonance imaging–assessed steatosis; steatosis-US, ultrasonography assessed steatosis.


This study arm was excluded from the analysis because it did not meet the review eligibility criteria.


Eight participants had hepatitis C and were not receiving antiviral therapy (n = 6 in the intervention; n = 2 in the control). We included the study in the analysis because the authors reported that their results did not change in a sensitivity analysis that excluded these participants. We also ran a sensitivity analysis excluding this study, and the estimates of the meta-analysis did not change.