Fig. 2.
WaF17.12 inhibitory effect on early sporogonic stages of PbGFPCON in An. stephensi. Number of parasites (zygotes and ookinetes) in the midgut of mosquitoes fed with sugar solution supplemented with WaF17.12 (triangles), WaUM3 (squares) or sugar solution (dots) was evaluated at 24 h post-infection. Each symbol in the chart represent an individual midgut (n = 48 per group) and horizontal lines represent the medians (m) of two independent experiments (m = 710 for control group, m = 440 for WaUM3 group and m = 247 for WaF17.12 group). Statistical analysis was performed by multiple comparisons using the Mann–Whitney test (Control vs WaUM3: U(48) = 882.5, Z = 1.971, P = 0.04884; Control vs WaF17.12: U(48) = 486.5, Z = 4.87287, P < 0.0001; WaUM3 vs WaF17.12: U(48) = 684, Z = 3.42567, P = 0.0006). *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001