Fig. 5.
Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) defines hallmarks of I-BET sensitivity. a Table summarizing counts of differentially expressed genes for all conditions in both cell lines. b Venn diagrams representing the counts of common or distinct sets between genes exhibiting BRD4 differential binding (DB) and genes exhibiting differential expression (DE) for each cell line and I-BET concentration. Counts and overlaps for the I-BET151 50 nM treatment were too small and thus not represented here. c Normalized enrichment scores (NES) of GSEA for hallmark gene sets v6.1. Listed are all hallmarks that show significant NES (− 1 < NES or NES > 1 with FDR < 0.1) in MV4;11 or K562 treated with I-BET 50 nM compared to DMSO. Log2 fold changes of gene expression were used to identify enriched sets. Red bars correspond to enriched gene sets for upregulated genes and blue for downregulated genes. The enrichment profiles for “Hallmark P53 Pathway” for both cell lines are shown on the right as an example