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. 2019;39(1):7–13.

Table 1.

Study Participant Demographics

Completed Simulation One Completed Simulations 1 and 2 with training in between P-value
Age 25.81 (2.94) 25.13 (1.42) 0.3513
Year in Medical School (1/2/3/4) 12/3/3/3 11/4/5/2 0.8789
Males/Female 14 / 7 15 / 7 0.9156
Right handed/Left handed 20 / 1 19 / 3 0.6069
Listed Surgical/Non-surgi- cal specialty as #1 interest pre-test 10 / 11 16 / 6 0.0923
Time between knee scopes 9.48 days 8.86 days 0.1969
Total number of subjects 21 22