After UVN, behavioral recovery, reactive cell proliferation, and cell survival are altered by BDNF and K252a infusions in the deafferented VN. A, Experimental protocol to study the effects of continuous infusion in the fourth ventricle of BDNF or K252a (a TrK receptor blocker) at the cellular level, accompanied by behavioral analyses (n = 4 animals per group). B, Curves illustrating the time course of disappearance of horizontal spontaneous nystagmus frequency for each group of cats at different postoperative days. C, Curves indicating the mean postoperative recovery of the support surface after vestibular damage. D, Curves indicating the mean postoperative recovery of the equilibrium function after vestibular damage. The MaxP is defined as the highest beam rotation speed that did not lead to a fall on four consecutive crossings. The curves are expressed in percentage of the preoperative maximal performance as a function of the postoperative time in days.