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. 2016 Jun 29;36(26):6872–6880. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3180-15.2016

Table 2.

Whole-brain repetition effects

Anatomical label BA Global and local maxima
Cluster size, k Cluster level, pFWE Z
x y z
Verb repetition enhancement effect (verb repeated > verb not repeated)
    Right superior temporal gyrus 22 60 −46 18 2474 <0.001 5.68
    Right middle temporal gyrus 21 60 −34 −4 4.44
    Right supramarginal gyrus 40 54 −44 46 4.08
    Right angular gyrus 39/40 38 −56 50 3.67
    Right precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex 23 2 −64 26 6056 <0.001 5.51
    Left precuneus −6 −52 40 4.99
    Left cuneus 19 −14 −80 20 4.84
    Right lingual gyrus 17 6 −72 4 4.52
    Left lingual gyrus 19 −16 −56 −8 3.98
    Right inferior frontal gyrus 45 54 20 14 568 0.005 4.96
    Left middle temporal gyrus 21 −56 −44 −4 345 0.031 4.31
    Left inferior parietal cortex 40 −54 −40 44 541 0.006 3.74
    Left middle temporal gyrus 21/22 −62 −56 22 3.67
    Left middle occipital/left angular gyrus 37/39 −42 −68 18 3.15
Verb repetition suppression effects
Verb repetition effect by day (Day 9 greater repetition enhancement than Day 2)
    Right calcarine gyrus 17 10 −72 8 3711 <0.001 4.64
    Left calcarine gyrus 17 −14 −68 6 4.48
    Right precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex 23 4 −64 26 4.39
    Left cuneus 18 −10 −84 18 3.71
    Right superior temporal gyrus/supramarginal gyrus 40/42 56 −42 24 1104 <0.001 4.21
    Right middle temporal gyrus 21 54 −32 −2 3.80
    Right middle temporal gyrus 21/22 58 −12 −10 3.73
Syntax by verb repetition (greater syntax repetition enhancement if verb repeated)
    Left middle occipital gyrus 19/39 −42 −76 32 291 0.018 3.89
    Left angular gyrus 39 −40 −54 28 3.50
    Left angular gyrus 39 −50 −58 36 3.49