Figure 6.
Right IPL/AG and egocentric mapping of time and space. A, IPL/AG survived a whole-brain conjunction analysis between self-projection time, self-projection space, distance in time, and distance in space contrasts. B, Beta values for SPACE (blue), TIME (red), and CTRL (gray) showed a specific engagement of IPL/AG for TIME and SPACE relative to CTRL. C, Beta values for SPACE and TIME split across self-projection conditions showed that right IPL/AG was selectively implicated in spatial self-projection during the SPACE task and temporal self-projection during the TIME task. D, Beta values for SPACE and TIME split across four egocentric distance bins showed higher activation for close than for far events. The overall activation pattern suggests that the right IPL/AG contributes to the setting, maintenance, and manipulation of egocentric temporal and spatial maps. Error bars represent the standard error across subjects.