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. 2016 Nov 23;36(47):11891–11903. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1400-16.2016

Table 5.

Regions activated for self-projection in time (TIME: PAST + FUTURE > NOW) and self-projection in space (SPACE: WEST + EAST > HERE)a

Brain region BA MNI coordinates
p (FDR corrected) Z value Extent Brain region BA MNI coordinates
p (FDR corrected) Z value Extent p (FDR corrected) Z value Extent
x y z x y z
Parietal Parietal
    L AG 19 −34 −80 34 <0.001 4.67 127
    R AG/IPS 39/7/40 52 −40 52 <0.001 5.83 1,303     R AG 19/39 44 −74 32 <0.001 5.34 266 <0.001 5.24 176
    R PCUN/SPL 7 6 −66 54 0.01 3.89 54     L PCUN/SPL 7 −12 −70 56 0.03 4.03 37 0.016 3.89 46
    R PCUN/SPL 7 8 −60 54 <0.001 4.47 162
    L + R PCUN/RSC NA 18 −54 22 0.001 4.24 100
    L IPS 7/40 −30 −64 34 <0.001 4.97 505
Frontal Frontal
    L sFront 6 −26 12 50 <0.001 4.63 275
    R sFront 9 30 16 52 <0.001 5.68 1,178     R sFront 9 28 6 56 0.013 4.15 87 0.006 4.15 68
    L dlPFC/pars tri 45 −46 34 26 <0.001 5.08 183     —
    L Rostrolateral PFC 46 −40 46 8 0.004 3.69 69     —
    L dmPFC/pre-SMA 8 −4 34 42 <0.001 6.22 364     —
    R dmPFC/pre-SMA 8 4 28 44 <0.001 6.29 314     —
    L aIns 16 −30 24 −4 <0.001 5.74 176     —
    R aIns 16 34 24 0 <0.001 5.28 222     —
    R dlPFC 9 30 16 52 <0.001 5.68 1,178     —
    R Pars orb 47 42 48 −6 0.004 4.03 72     —
    L Caudal MFC 6 −40 8 34 <0.001 4.68 251     —
    R Frontopolar 10 24 56 4 0.002 4.67 83     —
    L iT 21 −62 −40 −14 0.002 3.93 85     —
    R iT 21 62 −36 −12 <0.001 5.37 234     —
    L Cereb crus1 −38 −70 −28 <0.001 4.91 213     —
    L Cereb crus2 −8 −80 −30 <0.001 5.13 234     —
    L Cereb crus2 −38 −66 −44 0.045 4.03 32     —

a All clusters shown at p < 0.001 uncorrected (voxel level) and p < 0.05 FDR-corrected (extent threshold = 32 voxels, cluster level). For each activation cluster, the MNI coordinates of the maximally activated voxel within each different structure are reported together with the corresponding Z values and cluster extent. Right AG, right PCUN/SPL, and sFront were overlapped across the two contrasts. L, Left; R, right.