Weakened negative amygdala-vmPFC functional connectivity during the
processing of fearful faces versus shapes at age 20 is specifically related to
Factor 2 psychopathy scores at age 22
Note. The processing of fearful faces < shapes (but
not neutral faces < shapes or angry faces < shapes) at age 20 was
significantly related to higher Factor 2 scores (i.e., irresponsible-lifestyle
and antisocial behaviors) at age 22, accounting for race and income, as well as
the covariance between predictors and outcomes within the model (see Supplemental Table 5,
Model 1). Pathways that were modeled in the SEM, but that were
non-significant, are shown as dotted grey lines. Model fit statistics:
χ2=4.16, df=4, CFI=.999, TLI=.997, RMSEA=.02, SRMR=.03. Findings were
unchanged when earlier antisocial behavior and callous-unemotional traits at age
20 were included as covariates in the model (Supplemental Table 5, Model
2). Notably, the difference in the path estimates from fearful faces
versus shapes for Factor 1 and Factor 2 scores was not significantly different,
based on calculating whether the confidence intervals overlapped by more or less
than 50% (Cumming, 2009) (i.e.,
Δβ=.07, p>.05; see Supplemental Table 5).