Figure 6.
VSL#3 treatment reduces monocyte:CEC adhesive interactions and monocyte infiltration into brain in BDL. A, Representative images of cerebral vasculature in sham-, placebo-, and VSL#3-treated BDL mice. Circulating leukocytes were labeled with rhodamine (red); CECs were labeled with FITC anti-CD31 (green). Bar graph indicates number of rolling leukocytes (cells/min/100 μm; B) and adherent leukocytes (cells/100 μm; C) along CECs in placebo- and VSL#3-treated sham and BDL mice. D, Representative flow cytometry profiles from sham placebo, BDL placebo, and BDL VSL#3 mice. E, Total number of CD11b+ CD45high cells as isolated from cerebral cortices of placebo- and VSL#3-treated sham and BDL mice and characterized using flow cytometry. F, Total number of CD11b+ CD45high cells isolated from cerebral cortices of placebo- and VSL#3-treated sham and BDL mice that expressed TNF-α. All data represented as mean ± SEM, n = 5–8/group, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.