Optical stimulation in 4-week-old adult-generated DGCs activates CA3 inhibitory interneurons. A, ChIEF–dTomato-expressing retrovirus was microinjected unilaterally into the DG in adult WT mice. B, Four to 8 weeks after retroviral infection, the mice received a unilateral intrahippocampal optical stimulation. C, Left, Number of ChIEF-infected DGCs per slice. Right, Number of ChIEF-infected DGCs expressing Fos after optical stimulation. Representative images of Fos expression (green) in presumed excitatory (GAD67−) and inhibitory (GAD67+) cells after light stimulation of ChIEF (red)-infected DGCs 4 (D), 6 (E), and 8 (F) weeks after infection. Low-power scale bar, 100 μm; high-power scale bar, 50 μm. Percentage of GAD67+ cells expressing Fos after light stimulation 4–8 weeks after infection in DG (G), hilus (H), and CA3 (I). Number of GAD67− cells expressing Fos after light stimulation 4–8 weeks after infection in DG (J), hilus (K), and CA3 (L). LSD post hoc tests, * p < 0.05 compared with corresponding OFF condition.