Figure 5.
Zic2 is expressed in CAS cells migrating from the caudal telencephalon to the amygdaloid nucleus. A, Schematic drawing representing the area of CAS cells migrating from the lateral ventricle to nLOT2. B, C, Zic2 and Tbr1 staining in sagittal sections of E15.5 [Zic2+/+;Tg(Zic2eGFP)] embryos demonstrating that eGFP expression reproduces the endogenous expression of Zic2 in the area where Tbr1 CAS cells are migrating to nLOT2. D, E, Representative sagittal sections of Zic2 E15.5 [Zic2+/+;Tg(Zic2eGFP)] and [Zic2kd/kd; Tg(Zic2eGFP)] embryonic brains revealing a defect in the trajectories of eGFP positive cells in the Zic2 mutant mice. D′–E′, Tbr1 immunostaining in sagittal sections of Zic2 E15.5 [Zic2+/+;Tg(Zic2eGFP)] and [Zic2kd/kd; Tg(Zic2eGFP)] embryonic brains. High-magnification images are shown in the squared areas in D and E. D′′–E′′, High magnification of the squared areas in D and E reveal aberrant morphologies of eGFP cells in the Zic2 mutant mice. Scale bars: B, C, E, 100 μm; D–E′′, 50 μm.