Figure 3.
Evidence of long ascending pathways between lumbar and thoracic networks. A, Coordinated locomotor-like activities recorded at different thoracolumbar levels triggered by bath application of NMA/5-HT to the whole spinal cord preparation. B, Effects of the synaptic transmission blockade on the NMA/5-HT-induced locomotor activity in T6–T12 segments treated with an aCSF solution containing low Ca2+/high Mg2+. Note the absence of bursting activity on T9. C, Polar plots of the phase relationships between T3 (bottom) or T5 (top) and right L2 locomotor bursts were taken as reference before (control, left) and after synaptic transmission blockade in the midthoracic segments (low Ca2+/high Mg2+, right). Note the clockwise shift of the mean phase observed at both thoracic levels in the presence of the low-Ca2+/high-Mg2+ solution. r, Right; l, left; T, thoracic; L, lumbar.