Figure 6.
Treatment with Aβ25–35 peptide increases HC activity of MCs present in brain slices. HC activity of MCs present in coronal brain slices of WT and Panx 1 knock-out (Panx1−/−) mice was evaluated using the Etd uptake assay. A, Four left panels, Representative images of Etd uptake (red) in MCs from WT brain slices identified by immunostaining with anti-CD117 (green) under control conditions (Ctrl) and after 2 h of treatment with 10 μm Aβ25–35 peptide, 20 min of pretreatment with HC blockers [200 μm La3+ and/or 1 mm probenecid (Pbc), and pretreated with 10 μm masitinib. Right, Graph showing the time course of the Aβ25–35 peptide (black columns) and the effect of 1 h Aβ1–42 (gray columns) on Etd uptake (normalized) in brain CD117-positive cells. B, Quantification of normalized Etd fluorescence intensity with respect to control condition in CD117-positive cells after 2 h of treatment with Aβ25–35 peptide (n = 5) and 20 min of pretreatment with: 200 μm La3+, 200 μm Gap26 mimetic peptide, 1 mm Pbc, 200 μm 10Panx1 mimetic peptide, and 10 μm masitinib (*p < 0.05, ***p < 0.0005 ANOVA Tukey's test, n.s., values are mean ± SEM; n = 3).