Behavioral paradigm and stimuli. A, The monkeys were presented with a pattern of random moving dots during fixation (yellow point denotes fixation point). Black arrows denote the motion direction. Left, Separate condition: two separate and elongated subgroups of dots moved in a common direction (fig) that was opposite to the motion direction of the background dots (bg). Right, Connected condition: the same two bars were connected by remote circular connectors with the same motion parameters. The dashed red rectangle, added only for illustration, approximately outlines the stimulus part that was retinotopically mapped onto the imaged V1 area. B, The outcome perception of the stimuli in A, highlighted with higher contrast. C, To generalize the task over separate and connected conditions, we used a set of different stimuli for each group (shown here without background for visualization purposes only). The monkeys were required to report whether the bars were connected (right box) or not (left box) regardless of their length, position, or connectivity type. The direction of saccadic report for each condition is depicted at the bottom.