Figure 8.
GF109203X reduces the number of activated GABAA receptors in neurons from all groups. A, B, Current–variance plot extracted from the peak scaled mIPSCs before and after GF109203X application. Examples from a pseudo-trained rat cell (A) and a trained rat cell (B) are shown. GF109203X reduced the number of activated channels in the two neurons and did not modify the single-channel current, as is evident from the similarity in the initial slope. C, The average GABAA single-channel conductance is not modified after drug application in the three groups. D, The average number of active GABAA channels per event is significantly lower in all groups after drug application. Values represent the mean ± SE (*p < 0.05). Average values were calculated using eight cells taken from three naive rats, eight cells taken from three trained rats, and eight cells taken from three pseudo-trained rats.