Figure 6.
Sepsis increases spontaneous electrical activity of MNCs in the SON. A, Whole-mount photograph showing the ventral surface of a hypothalamic explant configured for extracellular recording from MNCs in the SON (dotted lines). Top is rostral, and bottom is caudal. All recordings were made immediately lateral to the optic tract at the positions indicated by the white circles. B, Bar graph shows the mean ± SEM density of spontaneously active MNCs recorded in the SON of explants prepared from sham (n = 42 tracks/5 rats) and CLP (n = 54 tracks/6 rats) animals. C, Bar graph shows the mean ± SEM values of firing frequency of spontaneously firing MNCs (sham, n = 26 neurons/5 rats; CLP, n = 40 neurons/6 rats). **p < 0.01; ns, not significant.