Figure 3.
Results of the whole-brain searchlight and the multidimensional scaling analyses. Four brain regions showed emotion-specific multivoxel patterns regardless of the stimulus types. For each region (PCC, precuneus, MPFC, and angular gyrus), the left side shows a sagittal slice of the brain (z-coordinate of slice indicated in bottom left corner) with significant clusters identified by the searchlight analysis ran on data elicited by both the emotional video clips and the associated fractals (colored in white), solely by the emotional video clips (colored in green), and solely by the associated fractals (colored in red). The right side shows multidimensional scaling maps of the emotions based on voxel response patterns in each searchlight cluster exhibiting emotion-specific information. Each color represents one of the five emotional conditions and each text represents one of the four stimulus types; i.e., VB, video clips of body movements; VF, video clips of facial expressions; FB, fractals of body movements; FF; fractals of facial expressions; ang, anger; dis, disgust; fea, fear; hap, happiness; sad, sadness.