Figure 11.
Role of lactic acid in the CFA-induced paw edema and pain hypersensitivities. A, The lactate assay was performed to compare the relative accumulation of lactate in the hindpaw tissues of WT and Pdk2/4 DKO mice at 3 d after CFA injection. B, The lactate assay was performed to measure the relative accumulation of lactate in the hindpaw tissues at 3 d after CFA injection (following either DCA or clodronate administration). The results presented are the fold change relative to control. Control animals were injected with either DCA alone (left) or vehicle (right). C, ECAR was recorded for RAW264.7 cells during LPS (100 ng/ml) stimulation and is presented as percentage change to unstimulated control. D, E, FX11 (a small-molecule inhibitor of lactate dehydrogenase A) (2 mg/kg body weight) or vehicle (2% [v/v] DMSO) was administered intraplantar daily to CFA-injected mice for 2 d. CFA-induced increase in paw area (D), PWT to force, and PWL to heat (E) was assessed up to 7 d after CFA injection. *p < 0.05 versus the vehicle-treated control animals, between CFA+Vehicle and CFA+FX11 groups. #p < 0.05 between indicated groups (Student's t test). A, B, n = 3; C, n = 5; D, E, n = 4. Data are mean ± SEM. Arrows indicate the time points of FX11 or vehicle administration.