Conditional ablation of Frizzled3 in the striatum and GP. A, Schematic of a coronal section indicating the location of B–J. Cx, Cortex; STR, striatum. B, E, H, Immunohistochemistry for EYFP on E13.5 coronal sections in D2-Cre;Rosa26-EYFP, Isl1-Cre;Rosa26-EYFP, and Nkx2-1-Cre;Rosa26-EYFP mice. D2-Cre;Rosa26-EYFP and Isl1-Cre;Rosa26-EYFP mice show specific labeling of the STR (B, E). Nkx2-1-Cre;Rosa26-EYFP mice show labeling of the GP (dotted line as determined by Nkx2-1 immunolabeling; data not shown). EYFP+ cells in the STR are interneurons. C, D, F, G, I, J, Immunohistochemistry for DARPP32 (red) in coronal sections from E18.5 mice. Sections are counterstained with DAPI (blue). Specific ablation of Fzd3 in MSNs (in D2-Cre;Fzd3fl/fl or Isl1-Cre;Fzd3fl/fl mice) reduces MSN axon growth toward GP but does not affect entry of axons into the GP. Ablation of Fzd3 in the GP (in Nkx2-1-Cre;Fzd3fl/fl mice) does not affect striatal axon growth toward or into the GP. n = 3 mice analyzed for each genotype. Scale bars: B, E, 375 μm; H, 400 μm; C, D, F, G, 600 μm; I, J, 900 μm.