Gamma EEG response and ERPs in D/+ mice. A, Top, Evoked gamma response to white noise auditory stimuli as a function of ISI in WT and D/+ mice. A, Middle, Gamma band ITC as a function of ISI in WT and D/+ mice. Bottom, Induced gamma response to auditory stimuli as a function of ISI in WT and D/+ mice. Gamma = 30–80 Hz for all measures. B, Top, Maximum amplitude of the P20 component of the ERP (15–30 ms) as a function of ISI in WT and D/+ mice and maximum amplitude of the N40 component of the ERP (25 to 60 ms) as a function of ISI in WT and D/+ mice. Bottom, Sensory gating in WT and D/+ mice. *p < 0.05; N.S., Nonsignificant.