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. 2019 Feb 20;15(4):765–771. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2018.1558689

Table 1.

Base-case analysis results for 1 million of US adults aged 60+ years old previously vaccinated with ZVL, comparing no additional vaccination, vaccination with RZV, and ZVL revaccination.

Outcome No additional vaccination Vaccination with RZV ZVL revaccination RZV vs no additional vaccination RZV vs
ZVL revaccination
Health Outcomes          
HZ cases 176,801 94,033 161,474 (82,769) (67,441)
PHN cases 20,173 11,771 17,908 (8,402) (6,137)
Other Complication cases 27,098 15,152 25,090 (11,946) (9,938)
 Ocular 9,931 5,630 9,212 (4,301) (3,582)
 Neurological 8,926 4,807 8,203 (4,119) (3,396)
 Cutaneous 4,078 2,348 3,806 (1,730) (1,458)
 Other non-pain 4,163 2,368 3,870 (1,796) (1,502)
HZ-related deaths 47 34 46 (14) (13)
Costs (discounted)          
Vaccination costs $304,405,178 $226,897,269 $304,405,178 $77,507,909
Direct costs due to HZ $325,979,303 $162,986,740 $291,629,995 ($162,992,563) ($128,643,255)
Indirect costs due to HZ $72,960,889 $27,579,322 $60,934,650 ($45,381,567) ($33,355,328)
Total direct costs $325,979,303 $467,391,918 $518,527,264 $141,412,615 ($51,135,346)
Total societal costs $398,940,193 $494,971,240 $579,461,914 $96,031,047 ($84,490,674)
Life-years/QALYs (discounted)          
Life-years 12,890,621 12,890,689 12,890,630 68 59
QALYs 10,120,248 10,121,881 10,120,694 1,633 1,187
Incremental cost per QALY gained $58,793 Cost saving

–: not applicable; () refers to savings. HZ: herpes zoster; PHN: postherpetic neuralgia; QALY: quality-adjusted life-year; RZV: adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine; US: United States; ZVL: zoster vaccine live.