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. 2019 May 31;44(2):375–389. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2019.4225

Table II.

Studies associating telomere length with male infertility.

Authors/(Refs.) Sex Association with infert Relative TL Method Population no. Population age (years) Population country Sample type Infertility factor Conclusions
Baird et al, 2006 (75) M + Sh RT-PCR, (TRF) (STELA) (n=54), 10 samples analyzed ~35 UK Sperm (semen) C • Human telomere truncation events occur with frequency of 3.6%, while 96.4% of telomeres at any one chromosomal end are normal
• Telomere truncation in the male germline may contribute to the observed levels of aneuploidy (up to 1.55%) in human sperm range
• Telomere truncation can limit replicative potential, and the subsequent loss of end capping can result in genomic instability
Moskovtsev et al, 2010 (74) M + Disrupted T-T ixns Q-F1SH -(n=20), DNA damaged sperm N/A CA Sperm (semen) C • Sperm DNA damage is correlated with disruption of the normal T-T interactions leading to possible loss of the looped chromosome configuration
Prescott et al, 2012 (73) M + Ln RT-PCR N/A N/A US Genomic DNA Age • + correlation for participant's relative LTL with paternal age at birth
• Inverse relationship between maternal age at birth and relative LTL
Turner and Hartshorne, 2013 (39) M/F NIA, M Q-FISH Sh, F -(n=45), M
-(n=32), F
UK Sperm (semen), oocytes C • STL not crucial for male fert
• TL reset in embryo after fertilization
• TL shortening during human oocyte maturation
• Oocyte-induced sperm telomere DNA modification, via a recombination-based TL increase towards the blastocyst stage
Ferlin et al, 2013 (71) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=20), oligozoosp 18-19 IT Sperm (DGC), leukocytes Oligo zoosp • + correlation between STL and LTL
• Shorter STL in oligozoosp M
• + correlation between STL and total SC
• + correlation between STL and paternal age at conception
Thilagavathi et al, 2013 (72) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=32), idiopathic infert
-(n=25), fert
N/A IN Sperm (semen) I MI • Infert men had shorter STL
• STL is not correlated with semen parameters
J0rgensen et al, 2013 (87) M N/A Q-FISH -(n=6), younger
-(n=6), older
DK Testicular Bx Age • There is no difference in TL during spermatogenesis between older and younger men
Yan et al, 2014 (70) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=137), infert, non-OA
-(n=125), infert, oligozoosp
-(n=318), infert, normal SC
24-42 CN Sperm (semen) Azoosp • Genetic variants such as polymorphisms in telomere- associated pathway genes affect TL and chromosomal stability
• The polymorphism TERT rs2736100 was associated with male infert risk (adjusted odds ratio (OR)=0.66, 95% Cl: 0.47-0.92; Ptrend=0.011)
• The polymorphism TEP1 rsl713449 was positively associated with risk of male infert (adjusted OR=1.39, 95% Cl: 1.20-1.62; Ptrend<0.001)
Reigh-Viader et al, 2014 (69) M + Sh TERRA and telomerase distribution -(n=4), NO deficiency of spermatozoa due to unknown causes, seeking fert treatment
-(n=l), fert, undergoing vasectomy at the time of tissue retrieval
-CNTL, HeLa cells with known TL
ES Testicular Bx Azoosp • Telomere homeostasis is impaired in infert patients, shown by a decrease in TERRA levels and an alteration of the TERRA-protein component of telomerase telomeric association in primary spermatocytes.
• Telomere structure and homeostasis in germ cells is compromised in infert individuals
Yang et al, 2015 (68) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=418), couples, idiopathic infert (IVF) 30.3±4.0 CN Sperm (DGC) C • No significant correlation between TL and paternal age at the time of conception (rp=0.18)
• + correlation between STL and total SC
• + correlation between STL and paternal/maternal ages at conception
• + correlation between STL and embryo quality
Yang et al, 2015 (84) M + Sh RT-PCR -105 M undergoing IVF 31.2±6.1 CN Sperm (DGC) Oligo zoosp • + correlated between STL and SC
• Longer TL sperm selected for ART Tx
Liu et al, 2015 (82) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=126), idiopathic infert
-(n=138), fert
23-57 CN Sperm (semen) SM/SC • The relative sperm mean TL of infertile men was significantly shorter than the relative TL of fertile men (2.894±0.115 vs. 4.016±0.603, P=5.097×10 5)
• TL is associated with SC and SM
Antunes et al, 2015 (83) M + Lg SCT-qPCR -(n=10), IVF 32-47 US Sperm (SU) Age • Longer and more variable STL associated with older age
Rocca et al, 2016 (81) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=100), normozoosp 34.0±8.6 IT Sperm (DGC) SM • Positive association between STL and progressive motility, vitality, and protamination in normozoosp men
• Shorter STL is associated with lower SM
Cariati et al, 2016 (79) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=19), oligozoosp
-(n=54), normozoosp
39.4±5.5 IT Sperm (DGC) Oligo zoosp • STL is negatively correlated with sperm diploidy. but positively correlated with SC
• Oligozoosp men have shorter STL
Mishra et al, 2016 (80) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=112), infert
-(n=102), fert
IN Sperm (semen) C • STL is shorter in infert males
• Oxidative stress reduces STL
Biron-Shental et al, 2017 (76) M + Sh Q-FISH -(n=16), sub-fert, ICSI
-(n=10), fert
IT Sperm (semen) C • Shorter STL in sub-fertile men. Sperm from sub-fertile men has a higher percentage of telomere aggregates and lower TERT expressions
Vecoli et al, 2017 (77) M + Ln RT-PCR -(n=112), normosp
-(n=112), residents of unexposed areas
18-42 IT Sperm (semen) C • Young male residents in areas with high environmental exposure had a significant increase in TL of their sperm
Lafuente et al, 2017 (78) M + Sh Q-FISH (n=30) N/A ES Sperm (pre/post DGC and SU) C • Exposure of sperm to increasing concentrations of H2O2 is associated with telomere shortening
• STL of male partners of couples with primary infertility is lower than that of male partners of fertile couples
• STL is the same pre/post sperm selection (either DGC and SU)
• STL is the same in DGC and SU-selected sperm with respect to unselected sperm
• STL is negatively correlated with SM and sperm concentration
Heidary et al, 2018 (86) M + Sh RT-PCR -(n=30) idiopathic NOA -(n=30), HC, fert 35.4±4.52 IR L Azoosp • Association between LTL shortening in a population of Iranian infert men affected by idiopathic azoosp
Yang et al, 2018 (85) Male + Sh RT-PCR -(n=270), normosp
-(n=247), OA
-(n=349), non-OA
25-38 CN L Azoosp • Significantly shorter relative LTL in men with NOA compared to those with OA or to the normozoosp controls (odds ratio [OR] 0.81,95% [Cl] 0.64-0.98 vs. OR0.92,95% Cl 0.70-1.24 vs. OR 0.99, 95% Cl 0.83-1.22), respectively)
• Shorter telomeres are significantly associated with higher risk for NOA
• Shorter LTL is strongly associated with NOA and defective spermatogenesis

(+), positive; (−), negative; Assoc, association; ART, assisted reproductive techniques; Bx, biopsy; C, combination; CA, Canada; CI, confidence interval; CN, China; CNTL, control; DGC, density gradient centrifugation; DK, Denmark; ES, Spain; F, female; G, granulosa cells; ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection; IMI, idiopathic male infertility; IN, India; IR, Iran; IT, Italy; IVF, in vitro fertilization; L, leukocytes; LTL, leukocyte telomere length; Ln, longer; M, male; N/A, not applicable; NO, non-obstructive; NOA, non-obstructive azoospermia; OA, obstructive azoospermia; OR, odds ratio; Q-FISH, quantitative fluorescent in situ hybridization; RT-PCR, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; SC, sperm count; SCT-qPCR, stem cell transplantation quantitative polymerase chain reaction; SM, sperm motility; STL, sperm telomere length; SU, swim up; Sh, shorter; TEP1, telomerase-associated protein 1; TERRA, telomere repeat-containing RNA; TERT, telomerase reverse transcriptase; TL, telomere length; TRF, terminal restriction fragments; Tx, treatment; UK, United Kingdom; US, United States; azoosp, azoospermia; fert, fertile/fertility; infert, infertile/infertility; oligo(zoo)sp, oligo(zoo)spermia.