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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 Dec 7;58(10):948–960. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2018.11.007

Table 2:

Brain Activation for Effects of Group, Time Point, and Their Interaction

Brain region H x y z t V
Group effects
TR TP3 > DR TP3 Inferior Frontal (tri, oper), Precentral L −34 10 32 4.13 472
Fusiform L −42 −62 −12 3.85 52
Inferior Frontal (oper), Precentral R 40 2 26 3.29 97
Inferior and Middle Frontal R 48 28 22 3.21 152
DR TP3 > TR TP3 Precentral L −46 −12 50 3.97 63
AR TP1 > TR TP1 Supplementary Motor Area L −6 6 56 3.80 109
Inferior Frontal (oper, tri), Precentral L −36 8 22 3.49 121
Inferior frontal (oper), Middle frontal R 44 20 36 3.33 64
Precentral L −48 0 56 3.24 133
AR TP3 > TR TP3 Inferior Frontal (tri, orb) L −46 30 −4 4.17 459
Inferior Occipital, Lingual, Cerebellum (crus 1), Fusiform L −38 −80 −18 3.74 407
Middle Temporal L −50 −38 4 3.59 51
Middle Frontal L −30 58 22 3.58 68
Lingual, Inferior Occipital R 26 −88 −8 3.56 108
AR TP1 > DR TP3 Inferior Occipital, Fusiform L −40 −64 −12 4.88 147
Inferior Temporal L −36 −38 −12 3.96 50
Inferior Occipital L −30 −86 −8 3.48 70
Inferior Frontal (oper, tri), Middle Frontal L −30 10 30 3.37 144
Time effects
DR TP3 > TP1 Inferior and Middle Occipital R 38 −96 −4 4.62 96
Precentral L −56 2 40 3.80 116
TR TP3 >TP1 Precentral L −56 4 46 6.99 254
Inferior Frontal (oper), Precentral, Middle Frontal R 42 2 26 4.52 322
Inferior Temporal, Fusiform L −44 −50 −20 4.39 137
Superior Parietal Lobule L −30 −74 56 4.17 100
Supplementary Motor Area L −4 6 58 4.12 166
Superior Parietal Lobule, Angular, Inferior Parietal R 40 −60 62 4.08 268
Inferior Frontal (oper, tri), Precentral L −34 6 26 3.97 362
TP x group interaction
TR and Inferior Frontal (oper) L −44 8 22 12.11 126
TP1 and
Group effects
TR TP3 > DR TP3 Inferior Occipital Gyrus, Fusiform Gyrus, Inferior Temporal Gyrus L −42 −64 −12 3.93 82
AR TP1 > DR TP3 Inferior Occipital Gyrus, Fusiform Gyrus, Middle Occipital Gyrus L −42 −64 −14 4.41 311
DR TP3 > AR TP1 Middle Occipital Gyrus L −48 −84 12 3.83 72
Insula, Inferior Frontal Gyrus (orb, tri) L −36 6 0 3.63 156
AR TP3 > TR TP3 Parahippocampal Gyrus, Fusiform Gyrus, Hippocampus L −28 −10 −28 4.39 108
Lingual Gyrus, Fusiform Gyrus, Cerebellum (crus I) L −36 −82 −18 3.55 146
Middle Orbital Frontal L −38 54 −8 3.33 53
Middle Occipital, Calcarine R 32 −98 2 3.55 73
Time effects
TR TP3 > TP1 Superior and Inferior Parietal Lobule L −32 −74 54 5.78 91
Angular R 34 −60 28 4.35 95
Group effects
TR TP3 > DR TP3 Inferior Frontal (oper), Precentral, Middle Frontal L −28 8 30 4.36 230
Inferior Frontal (tri) R 36 26 22 3.74 106
AR TP1 > TR TP1 Precentral, Inferior Frontal (oper, tri) L −50 6 42 5.57 117
Middle and Superior Temporal, Supramarginal L −58 −44 10 4.22 382
Supplementary Motor Area L&R −8 8 54 4.21 306
Superior Temporal R 60 −38 14 4.19 209
Middle and Superior Occipital, Superior Parietal L −26 −64 36 3.66 202
Inferior Frontal (tri, oper) R 40 16 26 3.05 87
AR TP1 > DR TP3 Inferior Frontal (tri, oper), Precentral, Middle Frontal L −28 6 30 5.55 505
Fusiform, Inferior Temporal L −34 −34 −16 5.36 111
Middle and Superior Temporal R 60 −8 −12 4.92 67
Middle and Superior Temporal R 50 −26 2 4.53 365
Inferior Frontal (tri, oper), Middle Frontal R 40 24 30 4.36 489
Medial Superior Frontal R 10 70 12 4.14 79
Precuneus R 6 −50 60 3.30 53
Time effects
DR TP3 > TP1 Precentral, Postcentral L −42 −8 50 5.39 595
Calcarine (L&R), Cuneus (L) L&R −8 −88 36 3.81 377
TR TP3 > TP1 Inferior Frontal (tri) L −52 10 28 4.60 57
Supplemenary Motor Area L −8 12 54 3.42 57

Note: Results of word (print > rest), symbol (symbol > rest) and word-specific (print > symbols) contrasts are reported, including hemisphere, MNI coordinates, t-statistic and the number of voxels. Direct comparisons are shown for DR, TR and AR at TP1, TP3 and across time points (group effects). Time-related changes are shown in DR and TR (time effects). Results are reported at a significance level of p < .005 uncorrected, and an extent threshold of 50 voxels. AR = advanced readers; DR = readers with dyslexia; H = hemisphere; L = left hemisphere; MNI coordinates = Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates, x, y, z; orb = pars orbitalis; oper = pars opercularis; R = right hemisphere; t = t-test statistic; TP1 = time point 1; TP3 = time point 3; TR = typical readers; tri = pars triangularis; V = number of voxels.