Figure 2.
Salbutamol treatment improves postsynaptic NMJ morphology in ColQ−/− mice. A. Representative confocal micrographs of NMJs in the lumbrical muscles of 10-wk-old WT, water treated ColQ−/− (ColQ−/− WFI) and salbutamol treated ColQ−/− (ColQ−/− SAL) mice, labelled with anti-neurofilament (red) and anti-synaptophysin (red, both NT) and Alexa fluor 488 α-bungarotoxin (green, AChR). Water treated ColQ−/− mice display variable NMJ morphology with smaller NMJs with reduced AChR density. Scale bar, 10 μm. B. Quantitative analysis of presynaptic variables from lumbrical muscles. ColQ−/− mice exhibited smaller nerve terminals with thinner axons, and these variables were unchanged in salbutamol treated mutants. C. Quantitative analysis of postsynaptic variables from lumbrical muscles. Water treated ColQ−/− mice had reduced AChR area and compactness, which were significantly increased in salbutamol treated ColQ−/− mice compared to water treated ColQ−/− mice. D. Quantitative analysis of area of synaptic contact. ColQ−/− mice have significantly reduced area of synaptic contact which is increased by salbutamol treatment but remains smaller than in WT animals. E. Quantitative analysis of fragmentation of NMJs. ColQ−/− NMJs exhibit significantly increased number of AChR rich fragments per NMJ, and this was not different in salbutamol treated animals. n = 180 NMJs analysed per group for B-E. Analysis of NMJ-morph variables from soleus muscle are provided in Supplementary Material, Figure S2. F. Quantification of α-bungarotoxin fluorescence intensity of individual NMJs measured from projection of confocal stacks from lumbrical muscles. Fluorescence intensity was significantly decreased in water treated ColQ−/− mice, and was significantly increased in salbutamol treated ColQ−/− mice compared to water treated ColQ−/− mice. n = 120 NMJs analysed per group for F. All error bars depict S.D. Unpaired Student’s t tests. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗p < 0.05.