Table 1.
Potential etiologies of ATL.
C | Chemotherapy (n = 34) |
H | Heroin-induced (n = 6), whether via intravenous (n = 3) or inhaled (n = 3) routes |
O | Opioid analogue (n = 14), abuse via various routes of “non-heroin” medications |
I | Immunosuppressant (n = 11) or Imidazole medications (n = 2) |
C | “Crack” cocaine abuse (n = 1) |
E | Environmental (CO, n = 3) and Ethanol-related(n = 2) |
S | Splenial lesions (RSL), total n = 9): which include AEDs (n = 7), chemotherapy (n = 1), immunosuppressant medication (n = 1) |
Note: CO = Carbon monoxide, RSL = reversible splenial lesion, AEDs = anti-epileptic drugs.