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. 2019 Jun 27;24(26):1900011. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.26.19-00011

Table 1. Screening of pregnant women and follow-up of siblings and newborns for Chagas disease, Catalonia, 2010–2015 (n = 40,084).

Total 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Difference
p value
2010 vs 2015
n % n % n % n % n % n % n % %
Pregnancies follow-up
To be testeda 40,084 7,656 7,145 7,099 6,348 6,005 5,831 −23.8 NA
Tested 33,469 83.5 5,238 68.4 6,107 85.5 6,324 89.1 5,524 87.0 5,108 85.1 5,168 88.6 29.5 < 0.001
Positives 937 2.8 128 2.4 179 2.9 168 2.7 163 3.0 148 2.9 151 2.9 19.6 0.147
Lost before parturitionb 38 4.1 8 6.3 8 4.5 11 6.5 3 1.8 3 2.0 5 3.3 −47.0 0.381
Miscarriages/abortionsb 87 9.3 7 5.5 16 8.9 17 10.1 18 11.0 14 9.5 15 9.9 81.6 0.248
Gave birthb 812 86.7 113 88.3 155 86.6 140 83.3 142 87.1 131 88.5 131 86.8 −1.7 0.840
Other children follow-up
Siblings to be tested 519 130 84 92 73 73 67 −48.5 NA
Missing information/not tested 341 65.7 121 93.1 42 50 44 47.8 49 67.1 52 71.2 33 49.3 −47.1 < 0.001
Tested 178 34.3 9 6.9 42 50.0 48 52.2 24 32.9 21 28.8 34 50.7 633.0
Positives 14 7.9 2 22.2 3 7.1 2 4.2 2 8.3 2 9.5 3 8.8 −60.3 0.596
Negatives 164 92.1 7 77.8 39 92.9 46 95.8 22 91.7 19 90.5 31 91.2 17.2
Newborns follow-up
1. Parasitological control at birth
Not tested 84 10.3 19 16.8 30 19.4 13 9.3 7 4.9 6 4.6 9 6.9 −59.1 0.026
Tested 728 89.7 94 83.2 125 80.6 127 90.7 135 95.1 125 95.4 122 93.1 12.0
Tested by PCR 634 87.1 83 88.3 100 80.0 110 86.6 122 90.4 111 88.8 108 88.5 0.3 0.871
Tested by MH 419 57.6 73 77.7 59 47.2 69 54.3 75 55.6 73 58.4 70 57.4 −26.1 0.003
Positives 12 1.6 2 2.1 2 1.6 1 0.8 4 3.0 3 2.4 0 0 −100.0 0.367
Negatives 716 98.4 92 97.9 123 98.4 126 99.2 131 97.0 122 97.6 122 100 2.2
2. Serological control at age 9–12 months
To be tested 800 111 153 139 138 128 131 18.0 NA
Not tested 140 17.5 21 18.9 33 21.6 31 22.3 26 18.8 12 9.4 17 13.0 −31.4 0.276
Moved away from Catalonia 56 7.0 1 0.9 13 8.5 13 9.4 17 12.3 9 7.0 3 2.3 154.2 0.735
Failure to attend the medical visit 53 6.6 15 13.5 9 5.9 9 6.5 8 5.8 2 1.6 10 7.6 −43.5 0.199
Failure of surveillance circuitc 31 3.9 5 4.5 11 7.2 9 6.5 1 0.7 1 0.8 4 3.1 −32.2 0.800
Tested 660 82.5 90 81.1 120 78.4 108 77.7 112 81.2 116 90.6 114 87.0 7.3 0.276
Mean time to test (months) 10 ± 4 10 ± 3.5 10 ± 6 10±4 10 ± 4 10 ± 3 9 ± 4
Positives 16 2.4 4 4.4 2 1.7 1 0.9 4 3.6 2 1.7 3 2.6 −40.8 0.750
Negatives 644 97.6 86 95.4 118 98.3 107 99.1 108 96.4 114 98.3 111 97.4 1.9
3. Summary of testing
Correctly tested 672 82.8 92 81.4 122 78.7 109 77.9 116 81.7 119 90.8 114 87 6.9 0.304
Positives 28 4.2 6 6.5 4 3.3 2 1.8 8 6.9 5 4.2 3 2.6 −59.6 0.318
Negatives 644 95.8 86 93.5 118 96.7 107 98.2 108 93.1 114 95.8 111 97.4 4.2
Pregnant women screening coverage rate (%) 83.5 68.4 85.5 89.1 87.0 85.1 88.6 29.5 < 0.001
Prevalence rate of Chagas disease (%) 2.80 2.44 2.93 2.66 2.95 2.90 2.92 19.6 0.147
Congenital transmission rate (%) 4.17 6.52 3.28 1.83 6.90 4.20 2.63 −59.6 0.318

NA: not Applicable.

a Number of births from the Newborns Registry plus an estimation (13%) of interrupted pregnancies and women who moved away before childbirth from the Voluntary Registry of Chagas disease congenital cases in Catalonia.

b Among the women who tested positive.

c Missing patient referral or paediatrician’s lack of awareness about Chagas disease.