Blocking the ICAM‐1 binding axis but not the selectin axis normalizes the exaggerated airway recruitment of Fut‐deficient neutrophils. Colony‐forming units of NTHI (1 × 106) were instilled intratracheally into WT and Fut4−/−Fut7−/− mice immediately after the injection of 50 μg of the sLeX analog TBC1269, anti‐ICAM‐1, anti‐ICAM‐2, or anti‐VCAM‐1 mAbs. BALF was collected 18 h after instillation by flushing twice with 800 μl PBS. Total immune cells were counted by cell counter immediately after hypotonic lysis of erythrocytes (A). Total neutrophil counts were determined by flow cytometric staining with anti‐CD11b and anti‐Ly6G Abs and multiplying percentages by the total counts. (B) Images of H&E‐stained lung sections of WT or Fut4−/−Fut7−/− animals treated with NTHI and either (C) no mAb or (D) ICAM‐1. Magnification, ×40 and ×200 (inset) (n = 6 mice for each subgroup). Scale bars in NTHI conditions, 100 μm. ***P < 0.001 vs. WT of each subgroup. †P < 0.01 vs. Fut4−/−Fut7−/−+NTHI sample.