MDSC and polarized macrophages derived in vitro have specific phenotypes. (A) For monocytes, DC, MDSC, M_b, M_LPS, M_IFN‐γ, M_IL‐4, M_IL‐10, M_IL‐6, and M_TPP gates, transformed median expression for each marker was averaged from all nodes included in the gate. After normalization, results are shown on heat map after hierarchical clustering. (B) Comparison of markers for each node (each dot represents a node). Box and whisker plots show the 10–90 percentiles and the outliers. Nodes from 2 or 3 different experiments are shown. One‐way ANOVA tests (parametric or nonparametric as appropriate after normality test) with posttest comparing all pairs of columns are summarized in Supplemental Fig. 2. (C, left) Comparison of P values among MDSCs and monocytes, DCs, and M_b. (C, right) Comparison of various polarized macrophages (M_IFN‐g, M_LPS, M_IL‐4, M_IL‐10, M_IL‐6, and M_TPP) to M_b. Rows and columns were arranged after hierarchical clustering (not shown). Only markers that were, at least once, statistically different are shown. Unpaired t tests (parametric or nonparametric as appropriate after normality test) were performed. Yellow, nonsignificant (ns); light to dark green, significantly underexpressed in MDSCs or polarized macrophages; orange to red, significantly overexpressed in MDSCs or polarized macrophages.