Figure 9.
Defects in LOT formation and lot cell positioning in p73 and TAp73 mutants. A–J, Expression of Trp73 (A, B), Reelin (C, D), and calretinin (F–J) in E15.5 wild-type (A, C, F, H), Reeler−/− (B, G), p73−/− (D, I), and TAp73−/− (E, J) cortices. K–T, DAPI staining (K–N; P–S, blue counterstain) and lot1 immunolabeling (P–S, red label) of E15.5 wild-type (K, P), Reeler−/− (L, Q), p73−/− (M, R), and TAp73−/− (N, S) piriform cortices. The LOT is outlined by a dashed white line, following the contours of the area of tight cellular packing. Quantitation of relative area measurements of the LOT in each genotype (O). Quantitation of the number of DAPI+ cells displaced within the LOT (T). nc, Neocortex; pc, piriform cortex; str, striatum; tu, olfactory tubercle.