Figure 6.
Deconstruction of behavioral responses associated with cue-dependent O2 signals recorded during acquisition in the IFC. O2 signals were recorded during the whole course of acquisition, and average curves for representative days are depicted from the following time points: the first day of acquisition (DAY1); after 5, 11, 17, 22, 28, and 35 d of training; and when the animals were fully trained (DAY50). O2 signal graphs have been presented as session averages according to the subtype of behavioral response exhibited for each cue: correct lever press (L+) following the S1+ cue (S1+/L+, black circles); omission (OM) following the S2− cue (S2−/OM, white circles); incorrect lever press (L−) following the S1+ cue (S1+/L−, black circles); or lever press (LP) following the S2− cue (S2−/LP, white circles). Each trial was analyzed for a 30 s period including a 5 s baseline before cue onset (dashed line at 0 on the x-axis) and 25 s after. The second dashed line at 10 s corresponds to cue offset. On Day 1, IFC activation is observed for all response subtypes regardless of cue presentation. From Day 5 to Day 22, IFC activates mainly following the S2− cue, regardless of response subtype. From Day 28 to 50, no significant difference could be observed between the different types of response. Black bars, p < 0.05 compared with the S2− OM or LP; dashed bars, p < 0.05 compared with S1+/L- response. Note that S1+/L- responses include both incorrect lever presses and omissions following the S1+ cue and are highly underpowered due to the small number of responses. They were therefore analyzed and represented only when a minimum of four animals could be averaged per session.