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. 2014 May 21;34(21):7102–7112. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5242-13.2014

Table 1.

The MNI coordinates of the regions used in the ROI analysis and their normalized peak values for activation, information, and combination for eye (E), hand (H), and foot (F)

ROI Coordinates
Source Activation
x y z x y z E F H E F H E F H
pIPSa −24 −81 29 −21 −87 28 Heed et al. (2011) 0.38 0.10 0.10 0.17 −0.11 −0.22 0.32 −0.08 −0.17
mIPSa −19 −69 57 −21 −63 60 Heed et al. (2011) 0.38 0.26 0.25 0.12 −0.17 −0.27 0.19 −0.09 −0.24
aIPS −32 −38 57 −39 −42 63 Blangero et al. (2009) 0.23 0.28 0.54 −0.22 −0.16 0.24 −0.21 −0.19 0.46
aSPLa −27 −42 70 −24 −54 63 Heed et al. (unpublished observations) 0.26 0.28 0.25 0.09 −0.11 −0.13 0.12 −0.15 −0.13
aPCu −9 −54 60 −15 −45 70 Filimon et al. (2009) 0.07 0.40 0.18 −0.05 0.21 −0.16 −0.01 0.32 0.16

aCoordinates were originally reported in Talairach space. Bold numbers indicate significant effects, p < 0.05, permutation test.