Body weights and functional verification of the SDA procedure. A, The line plot shows body weights before surgery (day 0; indicated by the dashed lines) and during the postsurgery recovery period (days 1–14). Note that both Sham and SDA rats similarly regained their initial presurgery body weight within 4 d after surgery. No significant group differences were detected between SDA and Sham rats. N(Sham) = 10, N(SDA) = 12; all values are means ± SEM. B, Verification of the SDA completeness in a CCK satiation test. The bar plot shows the percentage (%) reduction in CCK-induced food intake (% baseline food intake) during a 30 min test session. Note that SDA rats displayed no reduction in food intake in response to CCK administration relative to their baseline food intake, confirming the completeness of SDA. In contrast, Sham control rats displayed a 25–40% reduction in food intake in response to CCK relative to their baseline food intake. Against these backgrounds, 1 SDA animal (with 23% reduction in food intake in response to CCK) of 12 was excluded from the final analysis and presentation of the data. ***p < 0.001; N(Sham) = 10, N(SDA) = 11. All values are means ± SEM.