Figure 2.
Prolonged inhibition of cGKs or cGKII KD increases the proportion of nerve terminals with weak unloading. A, Distribution of boutons into the strong or weak unloading groups in control cells and those exposed to KT5823 (1 μm) for 24 or 96 h. B, Mean traces of strong FM1-43 unloading boutons from control cells (N = 4439, n = 9 coverslips from 4 different cell cultures) or cells exposed to KT5823 (1 μm) for 24 (N = 806, n = 5 coverslips from 3 cell cultures) or 96 h (N = 563, n = 4 coverslips from 2 cell cultures). C, Mean traces of weak FM1-43 unloading boutons from control cells (N = 2874, n = 9 coverslips from 4 cell cultures), or cells exposed to KT5823 (1 μm) for 24 (N = 2768, n = 5 coverslips from 3 cell cultures) or 96 h (N = 1577, n = 4 coverslips from 2 cell cultures). D, Distribution of boutons in function of strong or weak unloading in control cells and in cells transfected with a scrambled siRNA or cGKII siRNA (cGKII KD). E, Mean traces of strong FM1-43 unloading boutons from control cells (N = 4439, n = 9 coverslips from 4 different cell cultures), or cells transfected with a scrambled siRNA (N = 930, n = 3 coverslips from 1 cell culture) and cGKII KD cells (N = 689, n = 6 coverslips from 3 cell cultures). F, Mean traces of weak FM1-43 unloading boutons from control cells (N = 2874, n = 9 coverslips from 4 cell cultures), scrambled siRNA transfected cells (N = 583, n = 3 coverslips from 1 cell culture) and cGKII KD cells (N = 3198, n = 6 coverslips from 3 cell cultures). G, Distribution of strong or weak unloading boutons in control cells and in cGKII KD cells exposed to KT5823 for 24 h. H, Mean traces of strong FM1-43 unloading boutons from control cells (N = 4439, n = 9 coverslips from 4 different cell cultures) and from cGKII KD cells exposed to KT5823 for 24 h (N = 313, n = 4 coverslips from 2 different cell cultures). I, Mean traces of weak FM1-43 unloading boutons from control cells (N = 2874, n = 9 coverslips from 4 cell cultures) and in cGKII KD cells exposed to KT5823 for 24 h (N = 1427, n = 4 coverslips from 2 cell cultures).