Figure 4.
Results of Experiment 1. A, Trial-by-trial profile of aftereffects (lateral force at peak movement speed divided by the speed) that were measured in randomly introduced error-clamped trials for baseline and training sessions averaged across subjects (mean ± SE). Purple indicates data for the Group 1 subjects (learning with the left arm); gold, data for the Group 2 subjects (learning with the right arm). The data within the shaded area were averaged and used for the subsequent statistical analysis. Note that only the baseline session data when both arms were reaching forward are displayed. B, C, Generalization patterns for all subjects in both groups (B: Group 1, C: Group 2) plotted with our previous data (Experiments 1 and 2 in our previously published study; Yokoi et al., 2011). The vertical axis and the color code are the same as in A. These data were fitted with Gaussian functions (solid lines).