Figure 3.
Increases in resting-state FC of the HCant and HCpost after 26 weeks of supplementary resveratrol (n = 23) versus placebo (n = 23). FC was measured using individual masks of the left and right anterior (orange) and posterior part (blue) of the hippocampus as seeds. A, Probabilities of included voxels in any of the subjects' HCant and HCpost masks coregistered to a study-specific template, with bright orange/blue showing high probability and dark orange/blue showing low probability. Note the significant increases in FC between the left HCant and the anterior cingulate cortex (AC) and precuneus (Prec) shown in B. C, Significant increases in FC between the left HCpost and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), left lateral angular cortex (lAng), and precunues (Prec). Selective increases in FC between the right HCpost and the right lateral occitipital cortex (lOcc) are visualized in D. B–D, Colors indicate t-values of significant voxels (cluster-based thresholding, p < 0.05) superimposed on a study-specific template. Images are displayed in neurological convention, coordinates in mm according to MNI space. R, Right; L, left.