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. 2014 Jul 23;34(30):10096–10108. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0500-14.2014

Table 3.

Hand-sensitive activation in the sighted and blind subjectsa

Spatial extent test/cluster size (mm3) p values MNI coordinates
Z value Hemisphere Anatomical region
x y z
Overlap of hand-sensitive activation between vision and haptics in the sighted (conjunction analysis, Fig. 3C)
    19104 <0.001 −42 −76 4 4.6 L Middle occipital gyrus
−58 −46 −2 5.3 L Middle temporal gyrus
−64 −46 8 5.5 L Superior temporal gyrus
−56 −40 30 5.1 L Supramarginal gyrus
−48 −58 16 5.6 L Angular gyrus
−38 −70 −2 3.3 L Inferior occipital gyrus
    8224 <0.001 48 −66 0 4.0 R Middle occipital gyrus
60 −50 4 5.0 R Middle temporal gyrus
48 −38 6 3.5 R Superior temporal gyrus
48 −60 24 3.4 R Angular gyrus
58 −62 −4 3.5 R Inferior temporal gyrus
    2016 <0.001 62 −30 28 4.4 R Supramarginal gyrus
    2256 <0.001 −4 54 8 4.0 L Superior frontal gyrus
4 52 16 4.1 R Superior frontal gyrus
0 42 4 3.0 Cingulate gyrus
Hand-sensitive activation in the blind (both congenital and noncongenital, Fig. 3D)
    21408 <0.001 −48 −78 24 5.2 L Middle occipital gyrus
−60 −56 0 5.2 L Middle temporal gyrus
−52 −56 −6 3.6 L Inferior temporal gyrus
−60 −50 20 4.1 L Superior temporal gyrus
−46 −74 32 5.0 L Angular gyrus
−60 −38 38 6.8 L Supramarginal gyrus
    15896 <0.001 54 −68 4 3.8 R Middle occipital gyrus
60 −56 8 4.5 R Middle temporal gyrus
58 −46 10 3.9 R Superior temporal gyrus
44 −52 14 5.8 R Angular gyrus
58 −38 46 5.1 R Supramarginal gyrus
46 −42 58 4.4 R Superior parietal lobule
    4592 <0.001 −8 −60 34 3.4 L Precuneus
−12 −54 40 4.2 L Superior parietal lobule
−8 −48 32 5.0 L Cingulate gyrus
6 −42 26 4.7 R Cingulate gyrus
    2064 <0.001 52 −12 −28 3.4 R Inferior temporal gyrus
48 −2 −30 3.8 R Middle temporal gyrus
50 6 −24 4.2 R Superior temporal gyrus
    1480 <0.01 48 −40 30 3.2 R Angular gyrus
44 −36 40 4.0 R Supramarginal gyrus
34 −42 42 4.0 R Superior parietal lobule
    1192 <0.05 8 46 38 4.9 R Superior frontal gyrus
24 40 34 3.2 R Middle frontal gyrus
    7336 <0.001 −12 40 −6 4.7 L Superior frontal gyrus
6 48 −2 4.1 R Superior frontal gyrus
−2 40 0 4.1 L Cingulate gyrus
6 36 8 3.8 R Cingulate gyrus
    2472 <0.001 −12 26 60 4.6 L Superior frontal gyrus
−24 22 54 3.3 L Middle frontal gyrus
    1032 <0.05 −46 6 18 4.3 L Precentral gyrus
−50 12 10 4.2 L Inferior frontal gyrus
    1536 <0.01 22 −86 −42 5.1 R Cerebellum
    1360 <0.01 42 −60 −44 5.0 R Cerebellum

aThe activation was thresholded at p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons over the whole brain, with the height threshold set at Z > 2.58. x, y, and z are stereotaxic coordinates (mm). R, Right; L, left.