Factors affecting afferent ensemble responses. A, Left column, β coefficients of the variables found to significantly contribute in reconstructing ensemble discharge rates after a forward stepwise regression (all variables shown in Fig. 5 and angular acceleration used as predictors, except net torque). Right column, as in the left column but the measured net torque was also used as an additional predictor variable. B, As in A, but only data during extensor muscle stretch was used, i.e., data over periods 5–8, as indicated in Figure 5. C, Correlation between flexor digitorum EMG evident during extensor stretch and extensor EMG present during stretch and at various periods in the past. There was a weak relationship between flexor EMG during extensor stretch and concurrent extensor EMG (r = 0.42). The relationship became progressively weaker as flexor EMG evident during stretch was correlated with lagged extensor EMG. Error bars in A and B represent 95% confidence intervals.