Correlations between the parameters extracted from fit and the experimental observables. A, Top, Percentages of recordings with significant correlation under the condition χ2 < χ2(p = 0.001) between the excitatory firing rate found through the fits and the experimental observables on the x-axis: MUA of a single channel (M); MUA of all the channels of a single experimental session (TM); average spatial contrast (SC), average temporal contrast (TC), luminance (L), orientation (O), and color (C). On the other four panels are displayed some examples in which these correlations were found. B, Same as in A, but for correlations with inhibitory firing rates extracted from fits. C Same as in A, but for correlations with total firing rate. D, Same as in A, but for the correlations between the amplitude of the fluctuations of the OU process, σOU, that was found through the fits and the SDs of the different features of the movie.