Prox1 is necessary for the inhibition of MN generation. A, GFP/DAPI staining and in situ hybridization for ChAT in consecutive sections 48 h a.e. with shProx1 or shControl vectors. B, Quantitative analysis of the ChAT+ area using ImageJ software. These data are presented as percentage of the nonelectroporated side of the spinal cord. For shProx1 versus shControl, *p < 0.05 (t test), n = 5 embryos. All cases referred to the electroporated side. C, E, Double GFP/Islet1 (C) and GFP/MNR2 (E) immunostainings in cryosections 48 h a.e. with shProx1 or shControl. The arrow in C indicates the Islet1+interneurons in the dorsal part of chick spinal cord. D, F, Quantitative analysis of the number of Islet1+ MNs (D) and MNR2+ MNs (F). These data are presented as percentage of cells of the nonelectroporated side of the spinal cord. For Islet1+ MNs: shProx1 versus shControl, *p < 0.05 (t test), n = 5 embryos; for MNR2+ MNs: shProx1 versus shControl, *p < 0.05 (t test), n = 5 embryos. All cases referred to the electroporated side. Scale bars: 75 μm.