Figure 4.
Association between macroscale degree and microscale layer III pyramidal complexity. Top, Dendritic tree size, total spine count, and spine density as derived for 22 cortical regions on basis of the studies of Elston and colleagues (Table 1). Bottom, Associations between macroscale degree and pyramidal complexity, showing a positive significant relationship between macroscale total degree (i.e., sum of in-degree and out-degree) and dendritic tree size (left, effect reaching partial Bonferroni correction) and total spine count (middle, effect reaching partial Bonferroni correction). Spine density did not show a significant correlation with macroscale degree (right, effect not reaching correction for multiple testing). Exploratory exclusion of region PG as a potential data outlier from the correlation analysis did reveal a potential relationship with total degree (p = 0.0026, r = 0.64).